Contemplating What To Do…

As of late, I find myself thinking more and more about changing careers, but I am not so sure if it would be a good idea. All I have ever done professionally is repair vehicles. I am a mechanic. I enjoy what I do but the mechanic field has really fallen to the way side and it has become more difficult to make a decent paycheck. The one other thing I am good at, without formal training or schooling, would be computer repair. I have repaired many computers, built some from scratch, and destroyed a few. I have been slowly teaching myself Code for making websites but again, it’s not formal training so I don’t know how far that will get me.

So my question is: Do I take the risk and try to get into the computer field or stick with what I am currently doing? I am the sole provider for my family of four and it can be difficult to provide for them when I only bring home $200 a week. (I work on straight commission) With that being said, I will think more about this and do as much free online training as possible.

Have a great day!